Episode 30

How to Go Public ft. Dan Fleyshman | Coffeez for Closers with Joe Shalaby Ep. 30

Published on: 5th August, 2024

Dan Fleyshman, the youngest founder of a publicly traded company at 23, launched the "Who’s Your Daddy" energy drink, now in 55,000 stores.

He has sold $15 million worth of clothing and co-founded one of the top five global online poker sites.

As an angel investor, he has invested in over 36 companies and founded Elevator Studio, managing influencer campaigns with over 600 influencers.

A dynamic speaker, Dan has shared his expertise at more than 250 events worldwide. He also founded the Model Citizen Fund, a charity providing essential supplies to those in need.

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About the Podcast

Coffeez for Closers with Joe Shalaby
Welcome to 'Coffeez for Closers,' a podcast showcasing the heart of a family-owned business in entrepreneurial discussions. CEO of E Mortgage Capital Inc., Joseph shares his wisdom and warmth from building a successful company with friends.
Welcome to "Coffeez for Closers," a podcast that brings the heart and expertise of a family-owned business to the forefront of entrepreneurial and business discussions. Hosted by Joseph Shalaby, Broker and CEO of E Mortgage Capital Inc., this show delves into the world of business with the warmth and wisdom that only comes from a leader who has built a successful company from the ground up with close friends and colleagues.

Each episode, Joseph Shalaby draws on his own experiences and those of his esteemed guests to explore topics ranging from effective leadership and teamwork to innovative business strategies and industry insights. Whether you're a professional in the mortgage industry, an aspiring entrepreneur, or simply interested in the intricacies of running a successful business, "Coffeez for Closers" promises enriching conversations and invaluable lessons.

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